1.    Buying falcon from us. Here you will find steps to order & receive the falcon:

2.    At the beginning of the breading season -March to April-(we are going to announce how many falcons we have from each category.

·         You will select what kind of falcon you want, for example (if you are looking for gyr saker, and we announce that we have 7 for this season with the price)

·         You are going to select gyr saker

·         Quantity (how many falcons you are going to buy)

3.    At this stage have payment are must 50% of the total price.

4.    By July we are going to send you the pictures of all gyr saker of the new sasone, you will select what like.

5.    Full payment is required. After that Ring number will be given to you.

6.    For the client inside need to do the citist.only you can issue a passport for your falcon if you wish.

7.    For other client you need to do all legal documents for importing falcons as per your county regulations.